What: An Imperial Stout brewed by the AleSmith Brewing Company of San Diego, CA.
Where: It went on tap at Dublin’s on Friday. The only place you’ll be able to grab it in (25 oz) bottles is at Gardina’s. At the moment, they’re the sole retailer for AleSmith in Oshkosh.
Why: Because in the near term, at least, it’ll make you feel better. At 12% ABV you’ll have a tough time remaining grounded as you make your way through a snifter or two of this. It’s a beer that’s not the least bit bashful about its bulk. Even the aroma is writ large. A thick plume of oily coffee, burnt crust and chocolate comes up off the pour. It goes into the glass utterly black and settles under a cap of dense brown foam. An intense swirl of dark roasted coffee, bruised prunes and dark chocolate coat the mouth. It’s chewiness is enhanced by the assertive alcohol. This is the epitome of a sipper. A good beer to wind down with. One that ensures you won’t be doing anything productive for a couple hours. Sometimes, that’s exactly what you need.
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