If the holiday weekend finds you traveling north on Highway 76, there’s a good beer dealer just off the main road that you ought to check out. Corks and Caps is about 20 miles north of Oshkosh in the Town of Greenville and over the past year they’ve bulked up on their beer selection to the point where the store is now one of the best destinations for good beer in the area. Joe, the owner of Corks and Caps, keeps better than 60 craft and imported brews in stock with about half the inventory stored cold. He has a thorough selection of the Wisconsin-brewed favorites and is strong on midwestern beers in general with breweries such as Bell’s, Dark Horse, Goose Island and New Holland all well represented. There’s a nice crop of Belgians on hand along with bombers from Rouge, New Glarus and New Belgium.
Our Man Joe |
There’s plenty to like here and if you stop in, ask if Joe is around. He’s a fun guy to talk to. He knows his beer and he likes to share his enthusiasm for what he’s doing. His plan is to continue expanding the beer side of his business and by all indications he’s getting plenty of support on that from the beer drinkers in the area.
For more information on Corks and Cape - the place is more than just a beer haven - visit their
And if you have the time, check out
Joe’s blog. It’s an interesting glimpse into the bizarre system we have for distributing beer in America.
Directions to Corks and Caps.
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